Component org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.treeManager.contrib
In bundle org.nuxeo.ecm.webapp.base
Default configuration for Nuxeo EP tree
Resolution Order
The resolution order represents the order in which this component has been resolved by the Nuxeo Runtime
You can influence this order by adding "require" tags in your component declaration, to make sure it is resolved after another component.
XML Source
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<component name="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.treeManager.contrib">
<documentation>Default configuration for Nuxeo EP tree</documentation>
<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.treeManager" point="plugin">
Default configuration for the Nuxeo EP tree.
Displays only Folderish objects, not marked as hidden in navigation, and
sorts by dc:title property. Folders with the BigFolder facet are shown
without any children.
<treeManagerPlugin name="navigation">